‘Digital’ is around us all the time. At home and work we are assimilated into it, whether we are aware of it or not. The pace of technological growth is exponential and relentless. Employees are expecting organisations to have the latest technology and embrace its thinking and practices. Customers expect the same service, interaction and efficiency that they experience with their home shopping, downloading or social media interactions.
A gap exists between the pace of technological change and the organisational behaviours and abilities required to be able to deliver through it. The pace of digital requires us to ‘flip’ and shift our leadership thinking and culture to realise both the digital realities and the opportunities presented by ‘World 2.0’ (as coined by Jemima Gibbs from Cass Business School).
This workshop is designed for senior executives and will help them:
- Recognise the changes in the business world and its impact upon leadership
- Identify the differences in ‘traditional’ leadership and ‘digital leadership’
- Explore the impact of the differences upon organisation, personal leadership and leading teams.
- Identify leadership development opportunities for themselves and their organisation
The workshop will be highly interactive with case stories, exercises and discussions. It is delivered in either a half-day or full-day format.
Content for half-day workshop:
- Changes happening in the workplace caused by technological advances, social media and expectations of younger generations
- The increasing gap between digital / technological changes and our capacity to lead effectively
- What is “digital leadership” and how is it different from traditional leadership approaches
- New digital leadership competencies and concepts
- Review of case studies of organisations who have embraced digital thinking and leadership
- Implications for leadership behaviours and activities
- Development areas for delegates and their organisation
Additional content for full-day workshop:
- More organisational experiences
- Consistent approach and language for organisational leadership
- Building digital leadership into development programme
- Ensuring technology and people enable each other, not hinder
The training workshop will be interactive and practical; mixing new thinking with discussions and exercises. The participants will also receive a course workbook with descriptions of the new thinking, models and techniques shared during the workshop.
Discuss your training needs...
Call us to discuss your training needs on 0333 123 2002, or email webcontact@quivermanagement.com