The ability to ‘lead’ great service is important for all organisations, from consumer retail to business-to-business services. Company strategies and customer service plans only work if people have the knowledge, ability and commitment to execute it.

Understanding the role leadership plays in creating a customer centric culture and the links to the bottom line is an imperative for successful businesses.

The trainer will together with the delegates explore the link between leadership and delivering great service. We will look at how strategies and plans are easy to formulate, yet difficult to implement. Being able to engage your staff to create advocates and ‘fans’ is vital for successful customer service. The workshop will be highly interactive with case stories, exercises and discussions.

This one-day workshop will give you a thorough understanding of how you lead and engage your team to deliver great service.


  • Leadership ‘service’ behaviours
  • Service Profit Chain
  • Creating advocates
  • Tools for engaging others
  • Implementation Styles
  • Creating alignment and partnerships
  • The art of story telling
  • Creating confidence through feedback

The training workshop will be interactive and practical; mixing theory with discussions and exercises. The participants will also receive a course workbook with descriptions of the models and techniques shared during the workshop.

Discuss your training needs...

Call us to discuss your training needs on 0333 123 2002, or email